2011년 2월 13일 일요일

Mr.Kim and his family.

This is Mr.Kim. He used to work for Samsung Corporation but he gave up his job in order for his younger daughter to have a less crowded and stressful education. He moved to Vancouver just recently. I concentrated more on shooting the subject directly, as if they are tourists in Vancouver and have just arrived at the store. I wanted to imagine how much of difference they would be going through and compare the transformation of when they have just moved, and when their daughter would have post secondary education. Mr.Kim works there and he is just beginning to work there as well. By making pictures showing their smiles on their face, the viewer can tell that they are new to the surroundings, and that it is only the beginning to live out their daughter's dream, by giving up their dreams as a couple. The smile that Mr.Kim has on his face makes me question if there's a sense of worries of their family's future behind the smile. As the leader and a provider of his family, he has given up his life and romance with his wife for the future of his daughter. In comparison, the couple shown here is like the start of the hardships of the older couples I've took pictures of in the past for this Blog. The situation here is that they've recently moved from Korea for their younger daughter. They could not afford to have their eldest daughter so she is living with her grandparents. I hope that, one day, that they can all live together. Being the youngest son in the family, I feel connected with them than any other families I've encountered.

댓글 1개:

  1. The story you provide remind my father that he gave up his career for the family to have less stressful life.
